With the holiday season upon us, I've been working hard to get people's gifts finished up and ready for them. If you're a crafter or an artist you'll understand that Christmas gift planning should really start at least by October, to make sure you have enough time to paint/crochet/sculpt/create all the things you want to gift to people.
My favorite thing about Christmas is giving gifts, and I consider myself pretty good at it. I think a lot of this comes from the ability to make things that are personal to people, instead of just something I bought (not that this can't also be super personal and touching of course!!). There is something special about knowing someone put time and effort into making something just for you. Many of my biggest gift hits have been things I've crafted or drawn.
Nearly a year ago now I was living with two of my friends, but we were coming up to the end of our lease and we knew we weren't going to renew it. They were going to go off to get a place alone together (they are a couple), and I was going to move in with some of my siblings. Although we were all excited for our new prospects, we were also sad to be leaving each other and our time spent together in that house.
I decided I wanted to commemorate our time there with a cute little comic book, depicting classic, funny scenes from our life. After countless hours of planning and drawing, I sent the drawings off to get printed into a book. I printed two copies, keeping one for myself, and giving one to my friends. Now, no matter how many years pass, or how much distance crops up between us, we will be able to look back and remember those little moments from our home.
That's what so special about art as a gift, or really what makes art such a great gift! You're not just giving something pretty or cool or useful, you're giving a memory, a bit of yourself that you put out in the world. That's why these will always be my favorite gifts to give, and to receive.